Future in Educational Research(FER) is a comprehensive journal that publishes studies that focus on new trends, theories, policies and developments in the field of education. Its aim is to bridge the present and the future of educational research, and lead practitioners to create the future of education based on scientific and justifiable evidence.
Since 2023,FERhas been published by Wiley on behalf of Southwest University. We welcome original articles that advance empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning. Reviews on the new policies, technologies and theories across different levels of education and different regions are also welcome. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary works that contribute to the sustainable development of education are encouraged.
Education and educational research is important for a sustainable future, especially for developing countries with large populations.FERvalues opinions and experiences from both developed and developing countries. We expect to publish original, high quality research from not only developed regions, but also emerging regions across the world such as Asia, Africa and Latin America.FERaims to provide a platform that facilitates academic exploration and discussion about common educational challenges across different regions worldwide.
Aims and Scope
Future in Educational Research(FER) is a comprehensive journal that publishes studies that focus on new trends, theories, policies and developments in the field of education.
Topics included in the scope of the journal:
New developments and interpretations of educational theories;
The theories and practices of information science/digital technologies in education;
Learning and instruction in K-12 education;
Teaching and teacher education in K-12 education;
Educational leadership and management in K-12 education;
Educational developments in emerging regions;
Internationalization, administration, and student learning in higher education.
Innovations in education, intervention, and rehabilitation for children with special educational needs.
Editorial Office
Edited by:Editorial Office of Futures In Educational Research
Address: The Faculty of Education, Southwest University, Tiansheng Road No. 2, Beibei district, Chongqing 400715, China
Journal Press, Southwest University, Tiansheng Road No. 2, Beibei district, Chongqing 400715, China
Tel: +86-23-68250461
E-mail: journalfer@swu.edu.cn
Journal Home:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/28359402
Submission: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/journalfer
Online ISSN:2835-9402